7 Fall Fishing Tips to Increase Your Harvest This Season

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fall fishing tips

If summer's end causes you to pack up your rods until spring, you could be missing out on some great fishing opportunities. In fact, autumn is a great time to take the boat out and harvest some fish. Bass, walleyes, and perch are just a few of the fish that come out in droves once the cooler temperatures hit. However, there are a few tips and tricks specific to fall fishing that you'll want to keep in mind to maximize your autumnal fishing excursions.

Look for Water Depth Changes

When cooler temperatures hit, many fish head to areas with abrupt changes in water depth so that they can easily swim in deep and shallow waters depending on their temperature needs throughout the day. To find 'em, look for channel edges, underwater points, and other areas with steep drop-offs.

Head Out On a Sunny Day

Fall fishing tips sunny day

Speaking of water temperature, another great way to find fish during cooler seasons is to look for sunny areas in the water. Fish will often flock to these areas on sunny days since they provide a little extra warmth.

Provide High-Value Bait

During cool fall temperatures, fish are less likely to chase around teeny tiny bits of bait because they need to conserve their energy to find big meals. Therefore, you should opt for high-value bait that fish will consider an entire meal during the cooler months. 

Find the Weeds

Fall fishing tips find the weeds

Any weeds and reeds you see during autumn are likely to be full of fish for the catching. That's because cool fall temperatures often kill many of the weeds that fish love to swim in, so the weeds left standing are frequently home to high concentrations of fish. 

Follow the Birds

Humans aren't the only ones on the hunt for fish during the fall. Since this season is when large fish tend to hunt for small schools of baitfish, the baitfish are often chased up to the surface, making them prime targets for birds like terns and seagulls. Therefore, if you see birds flying around a particular area of water, there's a good chance there are plenty of fish down below.

Slow Your Roll

Since fish tend to conserve their energy during cooler temperatures, they're most likely to go after big, slow-moving meals. So, slow-rolling baits like jigs and spinnerbaits, which have large profiles, can increase your chances of reaping a big fall harvest. 

Seriously, Take Your Time

Cold temperatures have a tendency to slow the world down, including fish and the water that they swim in. That means that you should take extra care to be still and patient during your fall fishing trips. If you move your boat around too much, fish will be quick to see you as a threat, so put down your anchor and stay put for your best chances of catching some big ones.

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